First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail *
Your Nationality *
Date of Birth
Town / City
Postcode / Zip Code
Telephone / Mobile No
Please note that experience is not essential as full training will be given.
When are you able to work?AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober
Do you have any picking experience?StrawberriesRaspberriesBlackberriesBlueberriesOthers
Do you have any packhouse or quality control experience?PackhouseQuality Control
Do you have any other agricultural experience? (Please give details)
Do you have any criminal convictions?YesNo
Do you require accommodation?YesNo
Do you have any vehicle licenses?Standard Car Driving LicenceTractorForkliftOther
Please list any other relevant special skills
Do you have any questions for us?